Vocal Freedom Coach
leigh martyn thomas

Leigh coaches individuals and groups, providing voice lessons, performance and vocal health and wellness workshops.   She is also a singer/actress, writer, creative producer and filmmaker.

A seasoned gigging singer with a background in musical theatre and stage work for 25+ years, Leigh also has expertise in media publishing, sales and marketing.  Leigh started coaching others to sing with expression and technique part time in 2009, establishing LMT Singing School in 2012 which moved online as Colchester Voice Academy in 2020 and rebranded to Vocal Freedom Coaching Services from September 2022.

Leigh offers an individual approach with each client or student, working with children from age 8 and adults of all ages and abilities.   

Leigh specialises in a range of voice work from voice disorders to singing and performance voice.  

As an Estill Master Trainer with clinical experience, she often works with clients during and after rehabilitation and has a thorough understanding of the physiology and anatomy of voice production.

Leigh assists with healthy voice practice after vocal surgery, with re-patterning exercises, as well as supporting with psychological issues around voice use.  

Leigh is a member of both the British Voice Association (BVA) and the Association of Teachers of Singing (AoToS) and is certified in many psycho-therapeutic counselling and coaching modalities.



Many creatives struggle with their workload and practice, so they find working with a coach most useful to provide support, resources and opportunities.

So much beyond what we eat or drink nourishes us. Our energy is affected by our environment, our perception of that, our relationships with others and how we communicate with ourselves.

Leigh is also a qualified mental health practitioner and registered with the CCTA, PESI and is DBS registered. 



Vocal Freedom Coaching Services include:

  • Voice Coaching
  • Performance & Audition Preparation
  • Film and Sound Production
  • Vibrational Sound Therapy Treatments
  • IFS for Communication and Vocal Freedom
  • High Performance Communication Skills
  • Performance & Productions
  • London College of Music Examinations
  • Artist Development
  • Video Productions
  • CD/DVD Production
  • Photography & Artwork production 
  • Marketing and Promotion



As an educator, Leigh keeps up to date with developments in vocal pedagogy and continues developing her coaching skills toolbox with new learning.  

Leigh has produced courses, workshops, showcases, music videos, studio recordings, artwork and photography for and with clients for 15+ years and has collaborated with other film makers for many years with showcase events. 

During lockdown and through to summer 2021, Leigh produced the Vocal Freedom Podcast to raise awareness and discuss the relationship we all have with our voices with industry professionals. 

All artwork using images of clients under 16 are used with permission of parent or guardian.