Weekly or Fortnightly

Save 20% when securing ongoing coaching paying monthly.   Subscribe using Paypal or Checkout with Credit/Debit Card, Apple or Google Pay through the Checkout Button.  

single fortnightly lesson

£ 60
Per Month
  • 6 x 45 minutes per term (18 per year)
  • Ongoing coaching between meetings
  • Supportive exercises and resources provided
  • Performance Opportunities

Not quite weekly

£ 90
Per Month
  • 9 x 45 minutes per term or 5 x 90 minutes per term
  • Ongoing coaching between meetings
  • Supportive exercises and resources provided
  • Performance Opportunities

weekly or longer fortnightly

£ 120
Per Month
  • 12 x 45 minutes per term or 6 x 90 minutes per term
  • Ongoing coaching between meetings
  • Supportive exercises and resources provided
  • Performance Opportunities